Arrington: House defense bill dramatically boosts spending

Saying nations that threaten the security of the United States took advantage of the previous administration's inability and unwillingness to maintain a strong defense, U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington on Friday championed a defense spending bill that is $100 billion higher than the FY 2017 level.

The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act passed Friday by the full House of Representatives, 344-81, raises spending to $696.1 billion, including $621.5 billion for defense programs including the Pentagon's base budget. That includes funding for Dyess Air Force Base, and in particularly $60 million for research and development to prepare the base for possibly being the home of the next generation B-21 bomber.

The balance funds war efforts.

The bill tops the $603 billion asked for by President Trump. The Armed Services Committee passed its version of the legislation in June. The full Senate will take up the bill.

Arrington said a markup by the House Budget Committee of its FY 2018 budget resolution could come as early as next week. Congress takes its summer recess in August.

In addition to addressing the national debt and speaking up for agriculture, Arrington said putting more money into defense in the NDAA was a priority. He is the lone Texas Republication on the committee.

"The first job of the federal government is keeping us safe," Arrington told the Reporter-News on Friday. "We're not ready ... we are spread too thin ... because we have been dismantling our military. We need to rebuild it with the training and tools to be ready.

"The world is less safe than it was eight-10 years ago."

He said the United States should be prepared for three major world engagements. He counted four hot spots — North Korean provocation, Russian aggression, Chinese expansion through island bases and the ongoing threat of the Islamic State.

"We've seen a significant increase in these areas and a decline in our military preparedness," he said.

Arrington said the "policies and posture" of the Obama administration were "a demonstration of weakness, not American strength. We have to be both willing and able to protect this constitutional democracy."

He said these nations now are acting on that show of weakness.

He said drawing lines without backing them up, and withdrawing troops from strategic areas, "that's the not willing." Cutting $170 billion from defense the past five years leaves the U.S. unable to ensure "peace through strength," to quote former President Ronald Reagan .

Arrington cites the chief of staff of the Air Force, Gen. David L. Goldfein, as saying his service branch is "less than 50 percent ready across the board." The Air Force needs new bombers and more pilots, the congressman said. 

"We're smaller and older," Arrington said. "That's all you need to hear. We're not ready. There is no freedom without security. Our nation just celebrated its 241st birthday. Will we celebrate our 341st? Will we celebrate our 250th? We need to make this investment."

The defense bill boosts all service branches and increases missile defense funding by $2.5 billion. Recently, North Korea launched an intercontinental missile capable of striking Alaska, and possibly Hawaii.

The bill also funds Dyess and other bases at "appropriate levels."

Arrington said funding requested by Dyess and the Military Affairs Committee of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce is included.

"It's all in there," he said. Additionally, there is money to research how Dyess would accommodate the new bomber, should the base be named a home to the B-21. Dyess currently is one of two bases that house the B-1B bomber.

Also included is $120 million for procurement for the B-1.

The bill, too, funds a 2.4 percent pay raise for troops.

"This is compensation for men and women who been able to do their jobs despite being spread too thin and deployed longer and more often," he said.

Asked about the lingering effects of sequestration in 2011, the result of the Budget Control Act passed in August 2011, Arrington said budget cuts were necessary because Congress had not been able to halt "runaway spending."

However, the military should not have been part of an across-the-board plan.

Yes, he said, "we should find ways to cut wasteful and unnecessary spending" in the military, and he applauds an independent audit of the Department of Defense. But the loss of $170 billion was too severe to the nation's security.

He agreed with outgoing Dyess Commander David M. Benson, who last week said sequestration hurt long-range planning.

"It is costing taxpayers more," Arrington said, because long-term contracts cannot be signed. "We need to be smart. We need to go after the debt-drivers. I think you'll see that in our next budget."