EPA awards Seldovia tribe $30,000 grant

Environmental justice grants announced on Tuesday, Nov. 5, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency include a $30,000 grant to the Seldovia Village Tribe on the Kenai Peninsula.

EPA officials said the tribe’s “You Survived a Natural Disaster, Now Grab Your EPB” project will help residents of the village and city of Seldovia learn how to prepare for natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. An EPB is an emergency preparedness bucket.

The project focuses on effects natural disasters can have on community drinking water and waste management. It will consist of three public learning sessions from different partner organizations on natural disaster preparedness.

A public presentation will be given by local emergency responders about personal items people should include in their bucket such as medications. A participant survey will establish the effectiveness of the presentations and distribution of emergency preparedness buckets. After multiple public learning sessions and distribution of EPBs 120 or more area residents will be better prepared to respond to a natural disaster situation project leaders said.
