By Deb Moldaschel
60 years ago – Jan. 28, 1965
Nancy Fering, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fering, West Maple, is one of 40 talented high school seniors who have been named winner of trips to Washington, D.C. in the Westinghouse Talent Search. She is a student at Sleepy Eye high school. Nancy submitted a science project on the dreaming habits of young people. She gathered her data by surveying, on two occasions, all 350 students in her school. She then compared her research with established findings of dream research among older people.
School patrol members at the city’s three schools were presented with new vinyl plastic flags this week by the American Legion, sponsoring organization. New belts and other equipment were also replaced at some of the schools. Richard Class and Charles Hansen, the Legion’s school patrol officers, made the presentation.
45 years ago – Jan. 31, 1980
Sleepy Eye’s nine-month search for another doctor has apparently produced results. Dr. Carroll Galvin announced Monday that he had received a phone call from Dr. Michael Ecker early Saturday and flew to Omaha, Neb. late Saturday with contracts in hand.
Mrs. John (Alda) Rydin teaches third grade at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been chosen as Sleepy Eye’s Teacher of the Year. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Rydin is the elementary Department Head. She also served as president of the Sleepy Eye Education Association during the 1978-79 school year.
30 years ago – Jan. 26, 1995
Sleepy Eye has yet another exchange student to welcome to the community. Seventeen-year-old Daniel Carvalho arrived Jan. 14 and is staying with the Bob and Sharon Mandel family, which includes twins Scott and Sara. Carvalho is from Brazil. In his first week in Sleepy Eye, Daniel has developed a skill for hockey skating, helped by Scott, and is even considering joining a local hockey team.
Sleepy Eye Public High School senior Ryan Deibele may be better known for his accomplishments i athletics but in the next week Ryan will prove he is also talented in the arts when he makes his acting debut as the lead in the One-Act Play, “Ordinary People.”
15 years ago – Jan. 28, 2010
To mark the anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion 37 years ago, students and parishioners from St. Mary’s Catholic CHurch and School joined 5-6,000 others in protest at the state capitol last Friday. “The number of people was overwhelming, that there’s that many people to support the cause,” said Sarah Bruggeman, a senior at St. Mary’s.
From Doreen Tyler’s column: “How about Monday’s blizzard, eh? Kind of unexpected. A little out of control. Annoying. Problematic. An unfortunate side effect of winter.” [Tyler went on to describe a terrifying drive home and subsequent trip outside the house to take care of the chickens and cats, and found something to like—]. “A six-foot tall Dairy Queen ice cream cone-shaped snowdrift planted smack in the middle of the sidewalk, complete with curly-cue. Blizzards bite but, cursing aside, you’ve got to give Mother Nature an A+ for artistry and creative use of materials.”