
Waltzing through rhubarb: Songster, children persuade legislators

BISMARCK – Legislators were serenaded in support of a state waltz and charmed by a family of homeschooled children to vote rhubarb as the state vegetable during committee hearings in Bismarck Thursday.

Both techniques worked as the two bills will advance to the House floor with favorable recommendations.

Jay and Tamara Steckler and their four children from Bismarck initiated House Bill 1334, sponsored by Rep. Matthew Heilman, R-Bismarck, which would designate rhubarb the state vegetable.

Justin Steckler spoke to the House Political Subdivisions Committee about the health benefits with vitamins C and K, calcium and fiber. His sister, Bridget, informed the committee that rhubarb can grow an inch per day when in complete darkness and provided a recording of the creaking and popping noises it makes when doing so.

“I believe it grows friendship by giving it to other people, because it makes them happy,” their younger sister, Cierra, said.

Alyssa Steckler, the oldest sibling, spoke about the many uses of rhubarb in recipes.

“Some people incorrectly think it is a fruit, but this very distinct vegetable is much like North Dakotans, as it is very tolerant to cold weather and can survive in below zero temperatures,” she said.

Jay Steckler mentioned that rhubarb requires soil and temperatures seen in North Dakota and will not grow in southern states.

“We think rhubarb is a very worthy candidate for this honor to be the state vegetable as it plays a large part in cuisine and recipes of many different cultures of North Dakota,” he said. “Our ancestors, when they settled North Dakota, brought it overseas with them because it was so important to their diets.”

He listed communities such as Rugby and Grand Forks that celebrate events around rhubarb.

“Rhubarb even had a part in helping North Dakotans survive the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl years,” Steckler added, citing the book “Prairie Cooks,” which includes a chapter about residents of WIlliams County growing rhubarb for sustenance.

“Really, rhubarb is a state hero,” he said.

Rep. LaurieBeth Hager, D-Fargo, questioned naming rhubarb, typically used in desserts, as state vegetable over more traditional vegetables grown commercially in the agricultural state.

“We have traditional vegetables that are very much part of the Native American culture that are also a traditional part of the state. So, I’m having a hard time with this bill,” she said.

The committee ultimately voted 12-0, with one absentee, to give the bill a “Do Pass” recommendation.

Rep. Todd Porter, R-Mandan, introduced House Bill 1397, which would establish “Dancing Dakota,” written and composed by Chuck Suchy, as the North Dakota waltz. Suchy who performed the song for the committee, also would be named the state’s first official state troubadour or trobairitz in a companion resolution. HB 1397 provides for the chairman of the North Dakota Council on the Arts to designate an individual to fill the position for a term of five years or fill any vacancy by appointment for the unexpired portion of a term.

The committee also gave that bill a 12-0 “Do Pass” recommendation.


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