'Season two' of Cork's popular bird's nest live cam is officially back on air and just in time for new arrivals.

It's not the most dramatic TV you'll see this Spring, but it's cute and wholesome – and seems to have a relaxing effect on those who tune in. The live stream, dubbed 'Nestflix', shows pairs of Chough, the rarest crow species, as they go about building their nests and raising their young in West Cork.

The cameras are set up in a Mizen Head barn and a Clonakilty cattle shed where the birds have been nesting and hatching chicks for a couple of years.

You can watch the Mizen Head pair nest in the video below:

Tune into the Clonakilty Chough in the video below:

Chough are vocal birds, meaning David Attenborough's charming narration is not needed for this nature scene. Instead, viewers can look forward to hearing some sweet bird songs and noisy conversations between the fowls.

'Nestflix' was launched by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to help conservation experts learn more about the Chough, an endangered bird species found in coastal areas in Ireland.

A picture of a Chough with its signature red beak
A picture of a Chough with its signature red beak

Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Biodiversity TD Christopher O’Sullivan said: “As someone born and raised in West Cork, the distinctive call of the Chough has been part of the soundtrack of my life. I have often had the privilege of watching these playful pairs of Chough swooping and soaring along coastal clifftops. Not everyone has the chance to see this beautiful bird with its bright red beak and red legs.

"Projects like this offer greater public access and understanding about bird life and what we can all do to protect our birds by protecting their habitats and reducing disturbance to nesting sites.

"The Chough is the rarest member of the crow family in Ireland and is largely confined to the south and west coasts. There are around 900 pairs of Chough breeding in Ireland and Cork is the stronghold for the species with 30% of the national population. Due to its scarcity in Europe, Chough is protected under Irish national legislation and also the EU Birds Directive and Ireland has designated a number of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) to help conserve it.”