Ecommerce News

Average conversion rate of German SME shops: 2.01%

Average conversion rate of German SME shops: 2.01%

One in fifty visits to medium-sized and small online shops in Germany results in a purchase. The conversion rate on desktops is slightly higher than on mobile devices. The differences between industries are significant.

This is according to an analysis by Uptain, based on approximately ten million sessions. On average, the conversion rate of German medium-sized and small online shops is 2.01 percent, according to the software manufacturer. Typically, the conversion rate increases towards the end of the year, related to Black Friday, other discount promotions, and targeted Christmas shopping.

Desktop vs. mobile

The conversion rate on desktops is 2.17 percent, while on mobile devices, it stands at 1.91 percent. Shoppers seem to complete some purchases on a desktop computer, possibly due to convenience and user experience, while the online browsing phase takes place on mobile devices.

The conversion rate on mobile devices is 0.26 percentage points lower

The stores in the study receive most of their traffic from mobile devices. “For this reason, despite the lower conversion rate, the mobile experience should not be neglected,” warns Uptain.

Differences between industries

There are significant differences between industries. Regular orders from preferred stores logically increase the conversion rate significantly. The conversion rate for online retailers of tobacco and e-cigarettes is the highest, at 7.30 percent. Online sellers of painting supplies, nutritional supplements, health and personal care products, pet food, computer software, and auto parts also score high.

Shorter session duration

The average session duration for an online purchase has decreased significantly, according to Uptain’s data. Over the past few years, it has dropped from an average of 9:42 minutes to 8:52 minutes. German consumers are spending less time making online purchases.

The average session duration has been reduced by 50 seconds

Consumers are getting used to optimized purchasing processes, one-click checkout options, and a seamless user experience, Uptain observes. Their expectations are higher and consumers expect online stores to enable fast transactions. The challenge for medium-sized and small businesses is to respond to this and thus optimize their conversion rate. A side note: many of them not only sell online through their own online stores but also via marketplaces such as Amazon, the market leader in ecommerce in Germany.

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Arjan van Oosterhout has been contributing to Ecommerce News Europe since the spring of 2023. He writes news articles for the website on a freelance basis.

All articles by Arjan

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