At the Bioland-Hof Frank, east of Heilbronn, the new season is now also in the starting blocks. "Jonagold and Fuji stored apples will probably still be available until the end of May. From April, we will then officially start the new season with strawberries and rhubarb, followed by leafy lettuce such as romana, butterhead lettuce, and the like from mid-May," says Andreas Frank, owner of the family business.
© Biohof Frank
The Bioland producer can look back on a bountiful year for top fruit in 2024. "The apple yields were consistently good and above the average of recent years, as we were largely spared from frost this year. Nevertheless, there were sometimes large differences between the individual locations: for example, due to scab, we had to write off a Delbarestivale orchard completely. In years with a lot of rain, the risk of scab is usually much greater. We have few pears compared to apples, and we would rather not store them to avoid the risk of rot and loss. We will not expand our top fruit production in the coming years. Our area is very much characterized by meadow orchards, which entails several risks for organic commercial fruit growing. That's why we now see the greatest potential for growth in organic vegetable growing."
© Biohof Frank GbR, Manuel PentzBioland products from the Biohof Frank from left to right: apples, Chinese cabbage, and pointed cabbage. The company's other organic crops include lettuce, pumpkins, zucchini, sweet corn, and rhubarb. Frank: "We deliberately focus on a wide variety of crops to spread the risks involved in cultivation accordingly." / Picture: Manuel Pentz
Cooperation for organic ready-cuts
In the fall of 2024, Frank was contacted for the first time by Manuel Pentz of the fruit and vegetable wholesale business of the same name. The supplier of regional out-of-home catering was looking for organic raw materials for the in-house production of organic ready-cuts. Frank: "We seized the opportunity and were able to deliver relatively quickly. We started with snack apples as take-away fruit, and by the end of the year we were already able to supply Chinese cabbage and pointed cabbage for processing. This year, we want to expand again and also grow mini and, for the first time, normal romaine lettuce. Personally, I see the greatest growth potential in the ready-cut sector for the latter crop, as well as for some cabbage crops such as sugar loaf as a milder alternative to endives. If necessary, we would also have the option of increasing our cultivation volumes and leasing additional land," says the passionate Bioland producer.
© Hugo Huijbers | FP.comThis year, production costs were around 3.5 percent higher than last year, Frank calculates.
EU organic produce instead of local Bioland produce?
"I have two hearts beating in my chest. On the one hand, I believe in the continued growth of organic consumption in Germany and thus in the increasing demand for organic fruit and vegetables. On the other hand, the margins tend to narrow. This is because the greater the supply and the number of organic producers, the more alternatives retailers have. In practice, this means that if the trade has the choice between cheaper EU organic goods and Bioland products that are produced in this country, they are more likely to choose the cheaper goods to keep the price differences between organic and conventional at the point of sale as low as possible. This could become problematic for German organic production in the future," concludes Frank.
© Hugo Huijbers |
For more information:
Andreas Frank
Biohof Frank GbR
Erlenbacher Weg 45
74189 Weinsberg-Gellmersbach
Phone +49 (7134) 14310
Fax +49 (7134) 14301