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10 reasons to go fishing during spring break

Fish and Game ramps up its trout stocking in March

As weather starts to warm and more waters become available, Fish and Game staff travels around the state stocking catchable-sized rainbow trout. About 60,000 trout will be stocked in March, and you can see where on the fish stocking webpage.

Fishing is also a fun day trip

Maybe you live in parts of Idaho still buried in snow, which is not uncommon in March. Finding some open water to fish is usually a reasonable distance away for a day trip, which makes fishing a good excuse to get out of town for a day, or even a weekend. Getting outdoors is always healthy, and you can mix it with a hike, boating, camping, and other fun activities. 

You may get a meal out of the deal

Fish are tasty. Take a few home because a fish fry is a great way to conclude a day of fishing. As a bonus, fish caught in cold water tend to taste better, and no, it’s not an old wives’ tale. Algae blooms that can happen in warmer water may affect the taste of fish, but colder water has less algae.

Fishing is a lifetime activity

We understand kids are busy and have a lot going in their lives, but fishing is something they can do their whole lives, and eventually pass on to their children. It’s also an activity that can be done as a group outing or a solo adventure. There are also 40 different game fish species in Idaho, and many different ways to catch them, so you’re constantly learning and evolving as an angler.  

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