Food for Thought: 5 low performers, 7 on top this week

Published: Mar. 13, 2025 at 10:39 PM CDT
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LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - With 12 stops on the menu, we have a huge helping of Top and Low Performers in this week’s Food for Thought.

KCBD NewsChannel 11’s Christy Hartin has details.

O’Hana Ramen and Sushi Bar at 5214 98th had 17 violations.

  • Raw eggs were above the safe cold temperature 41 degrees.
  • There were no log sheets noting the time when sushi rice was prepared.
  • A container of raw shrimp was being thawed in the 3-compartment sink, which was contaminated with soap.
  • A knife was improperly stored and touching food residue and debris.
  • An employee washed their gloved hands.
  • An employee washed their hands for only 10 seconds. They must wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.
  • A bowl, a stainless steel scrubber and a pot lid were in a hand sink. Hand sinks are for hand washing only to prevent cross contamination.


  • Wet in-use cloths for wiping stored on prep are at sushi bar.
  • Wet in-use cloths for wiping stored on prep table between uses.
  • Raw shrimp thawing in standing water with ice in a container in 3-compartment sink.
  • In-use utensils stored in standing water that is at 74°F.
  • Service wares wet stacked on storage shelf next to mechanical dish washer. Water on service wares has a chlorine concentration less than 10ppm.
  • A single-use bowl used as a scoop stored in the sugar in the bulk sugar container.
  • Accumulation of liquid from raw chicken and other debris on the nonfood-contact surface of the bulk sugar container lid under prep table. Contamination of sugar was not observed.
  • Employee personal coats stored on dry storage rack on and above bags of rice.
  • Employee personal drink stored on prep table.

The report show most of the violations were corrected at the time of the inspection.

Miguel’s at 2002 Broadway had 18 violations.

  • Multiple food items were above the safe cold temperature of 41 degrees, including: ready to eat shrimp, beans, diced tomatoes and sour cream. The inspector notes, the ambient temperature of the cooler was 50 degrees.
  • Rice was not hot enough.
  • Several ready-to-eat foods were held for longer than five or seven days, including: chicken, posole and chili con carne.
  • Barbacoa did not have a use-by date.
  • Ready-to-eat beef shank had mold growth.
  • The restaurant serves shrimp ceviche without an approved variance.
  • Cut tomatoes were marked with an eight day use-by date. They must be used by or discarded within seven days.
  • The dishwasher was not sanitizing.
  • The manual shut off valves used as a backflow device were not designed or approved for that specific application.


  • Single use articles stored on floor in upstairs storage room.
  • White substance stored in non original container, not identified with common name of food.
  • Employee personal drink stored on prep counter.
  • Mops stored wet, between use, in service sink and mop bucket.

The report show most of the violations were corrected while the inspector was there.

Totally Tea inside the South Plains Mall at 6002 Slide Rd. had 18 violations.

  • Utensils, like shaker cups, were only being sanitized once a day after being used for roughly 10 hours. They must be cleaned and sanitized at least every four hours.
  • Utensils are not being allowed to properly air dry.
  • A spray bottle was not labeled.
  • The water at a hand sink was not hot enough.
  • Sanitizer test strips were more than a year expired. There was no bleach or chlorine sanitizer available.
  • There were no paper towels at a hand sink.
  • Two bulk containers of boba were damaged and had visible residue on them.
  • The boba packages are labeled for refrigeration, but at least two containers were kept at room temperature with no written procedure recording when they were opened.
  • The inspector notes, due to the number and nature of the violations, the person in charge and the staff were not able to demonstrate food safety knowledge and need more training and resources.


  • Very little air drying space available for wares in facility. Staff admitted to drying wares with a paper towel and not allowing to air dry after sanitizing.
  • Stirring spoons at preparation table used for tea flavors are stored in water at 107°F.
  • One damaged cardboard box containing plastic wrapped single service straws stored directly on the floor at the front of the facility under the counter. Straws did not appear to be damaged or adulterated at time of inspection.
  • Ice bin has ice scoop stored inside such that handle can touch the ice. One bulk container of thickening agent power has handle of utensil stored inside the powder.
  • Four bulk containers of tea flavor powders did not have a label to identify the contents. Bulk container of thickening agent is not labeled to identify the contents.
  • A deep clean of facility is needed especially under and behind equipment and shelving, inside floor drains, and on non-food contact surfaces of equipment as several areas had heavy visible accumulation of food residue, debris, and dust.
  • Reach in cooler for milk, and opened boba containers had employee personal food and drinks stored directly above food for customer service. No containers appeared to be leaking or have adulterated food.
  • The storage situation is much improved but there was still a damaged cardboard box with wrapped straws directly on the floor and 3 bulk containers of simple syrup stored on the floor at the front of the facility. PIC will have food and food service items stored at least 6 inches above the floor at all times.
  • Floor drain near 3 compartment sink has high level of standing water that is nearly surfacing onto the floor. Back kitchen area has a musty odor.

The report show most of the violations were corrected at the time of the inspection.

Chuy’s Mexican Food at 4805 South Loop 289 had 20 violations.

  • Cooked chicken was not at least 135 degrees.
  • An open bag of sliced jalapeños was inside a container of salad.
  • Green chili salsa was held past its use-by date.
  • One employee washed their hands for only six seconds; another employee washed their hands for 10 seconds. The minimum time for hand washing is 20 seconds.
  • Plates and bowls were visibly dirty.
  • Clean utensils, service wares and lids were visibly soiled with food residue.
  • A spatula was chipped and missing pieces.
  • A Sanitizer solution was at toxic levels.
  • The water in the ware wash machine was not hot enough to sanitize.
  • There was no temperature gauge for the machine.


  • A wet cloth not in immediate use stored on prep surface in front of grill.
  • A wet cloth not in immediate use stored on prep surface of tortilla prep area.
  • Gasket on walk in cooler door is damaged and separating at the top of the door.
  • Plates and bowls on cook/prep line wet stacked.
  • Wares on storage rack and shelf at ware wash wet stacked.
  • Wares on storage rack by ice machine wet stacked.
  • A bulk food container with white crumbs without identification stored on shelf in dry storage area.
  • Wares on storage rack by ice machine with sticker residue on nonfood-contact surfaces.

The report show most of the violations were corrected at the time of the inspection.

Orlando’s at 6951 Indiana had 23 violations.

  • Cooked rice was above the safe cold temperature of 41 degrees.
  • Soups in the walk-in cooler did not have a date mark.
  • A cutting board and a tomato slicer, that had not been used that day, were visibly dirty.
  • Clean spoons and forks had food on them.
  • The coffee pots were soiled.
  • A barrier, like a paper towel, was not used to turn off the faucet at the hand sink. This is to prevent cross contamination.
  • An employee rubbed their hands on their clothing and returned to food prep without washing their hands.
  • Ceramic serving bowls were damaged.
  • Sanitizer solutions were not stored correctly.
  • The lid gasket on a reach-in freezer was damaged.


  • Ice cream stored in the reach-in freezer across from the salad cooler were stored without a cover.
  • Large gallon containers of dressing, olive oil, and portioned cups of oil dressings were stored under the hand sink waste line in the prep area.
  • Reach-in freezer with ice cream storage is soiled with frost build-up.
  • A bowl used for dispensing was stored inside the frozen French fry container in the reach-in freezer.
  • Clean utensils were stored in a visibly soiled holder next to the soup steam table.
  • A single-service portion cup is being used to dispense breadcrumbs.
  • Reach-in cooler, and reach-in freezer units in the salad area are visibly soiled on the interior and exterior surfaces.
  • The racks and shelves with food storage, and utensil storage throughout the kitchen were soiled, and dusty.
  • The mixer in the dough area was visibly soiled on the pedestal, and the splash guard above the bowl area.
  • The floors and the walls throughout the facility, including the walk-in freezer, were observed with an accumulation of grease and other food debris.
  • Personal drinks were found stored above the prep tables in the prep areas.
  • No covered container in the ladies restroom.

The report shows most of the violations were corrected while the inspector was there.

Now to the good news. Here’s a look at this week’s Top Performers:

  • Dave’s Hot Chicken at 6311 82nd
  • Dippin' Dots inside the South Plains Mall at 6002 slide
  • Starbucks at 8001 University
  • Starbucks inside United at 12815 Indiana
  • Sonic Drive-in at 4904 Indiana
  • Danny’s Fins and Hens catering
  • Dubs Home Cooking & Catering