The New Mexico Environment Department’s (NMED) Drinking Water Bureau confirms the City of Las Vegas and the United World College (UWC-USA) water systems have met the requirements to lift the boil water advisory that was issued on Feb. 18.
The City of Las Vegas water system were required to issue the advisory after sediment and turbidity was confirmed in the system’s drinking water. The advisory has also been lifted at UWC-USA.
The Drinking Water Bureau provided compliance oversight to the City of Las Vegas and UWC-USA water systems. The City of Las Vegas demonstrated that turbidity levels are well within safe range and the water system is now stable. Microbiological samples collected from both water systems were negative for bacteriological contamination.
More information about New Mexico’s boil water advisories in English and Spanish is available here. For more information about today’s announcement, please call Joe Savage of the Drinking Water Bureau at (575) 973-0009.
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